Limnology and Paleoenvironmental Research Group
Faculty of Environmental and Urban Change
York University, Toronto, ON, Canada
2019 Publications
Saleem, A., Bell, M.A., Kimpe, L.E., Korosi, J.B., Arnason, J.T. and Blais, J.M., 2019. Identifying novel treeline biomarkers in lake sediments using an untargeted screening approach. Science of The Total Environment, 694: p.133684.
Thienpont, J.R., Perreault, J.T., Korosi, J.B., Pisaric, M.F. and Blais, J.M. (2019) Have natural lake expansion and landscape inundation resulted in mercury increases in flooded lakes of the Great Slave Lowlands (Northwest Territories, Canada)? Journal of Paleolimnology, 61: 345-354.
- Paper can be accessed here
Coleman, K.A., Palmer, M.J., Korosi, J.B., Thienpont, J.R., Blais, J.M. and Smol, J.P. (2019) Assessing long-term changes in aquatic ecosystems near a small conventional oil and gas operation in the Cameron Hills, southern Northwest Territories, Canada. Fundamental and Applied Limnology, 192: 181-197.
- Paper can be accessed here
Sivarajah, B., Korosi, J.B., Blais, J.M. and Smol, J.P. (2019) Multiple environmental variables influence diatom assemblages across an arsenic gradient in 33 subarctic lakes near abandoned gold mines. Hydrobiologia, 841: 133-151
- Paper can be accessed here